Sunday, September 29, 2013


When two people marry, for better or worse, their parents are part of the package.
I'm sure this is common with every family.  Up until now Mama's parents have
been in the forefront throughout my postings.  I'd like to take this opportunity to
introduce you to Daddy's parents.  

Gladys and James Embrey were from Roanoke, Alabama.  My grandfather was a
preacher.  His congregation loved him.  I remember being at his church and listening
to the hymns being sung by the church members and being able to pick out my
grandmother's voice no matter where she was in the church.  She wasn't bad and
she wasn't good, just loud.   

My grandmother was 6 months pregnant when she had Daddy. He was the first of 
four children.  The story is that she was moving furniture and that triggered labor.
Daddy was born at home that night, weighing one and a half pounds.  Everyone
thought he wouldn't make it through the night.  My grandfather's mother was there
and refused to accept that.  She put him in a shoebox and heated up bricks in the 
fireplace to make a homemade incubator.  Just to remind you this was 1933, and 
to make it worse, it was February.  I guess it must have worked since I'm here
writing the way it was Groundhogs Day.  No coincidence that the movie
'Groundhogs Day' is one of my favorites.

Grandmother, Nannie, me and Mama

Remember movies where a couple turns up in the middle of the night at the 
preachers house trying to get married?  That's my grandparents.  I've been there
when those knocks at the door would wake us all up.  We'd all be half asleep,
grandmother in her robe, as my grandfather married them.  My grandfather also
married my parents, me, and my brother. 

Mamas andDaddy wedding day...
Left, is my Dad's parents
Center, my parents
Right, my Mom's  parents

My grandparents and Daddy

I remember spending the Wednesday before Thanksgiving at my grandparents.
We'd get up early on Thanksgiving morning and my grandfather would take
me and Jay to the Georgia Tech, University of Georgia freshmen game.
He was a Georgia Tech fan, and Jay and I followed suit.  I'm not sure if it
was the influence of my grandfather to get behind Tech or maybe because 
I hate the colors Red and Black. Karma got me,  I went to a college that the 
colors were red and black. 
My grandparents introduced me and Jay to the "Varsity".  It was called
Yellow Jacket back then.  They changed it to the Varsity at the present location
knowing that expanding to other locations would be a problem, especially if you
opened up a Yellow Jacket in Athens...Hmm.  To this day Jay an I are still
hooked on the Varsity, no matter what the doctor says.

Baby me and my grandparents

My grandparents were good about doing stuff with us.  They would take me 
and Jay skating, movies, and every year to the Lakewood Fair Grounds.
Our family had to go to every exhibit at the fair before we could ride anything.
It was so cruel, no food, no rides, no souvenirs until we saw every chicken 
and cow some pimpled face kid raised.  One year they had helicopter rides
and my grandfather was the only one who would go up with me.  I'll never
forget that.  Another thing I'll never forget is that I was with them when they
said that Marilyn Monroe had died.
At Christmas my grandfather had a riddle that he would tease us with.
When Jay and I would ask about what he got us for Christmas, he would say,
" can eat with it, can sleep with it,
...and brush your teeth with it."
I would go to bed Christmas Eve thinking about Santa and
my grandfather's gift.   It was always his gift that I could not wait to open.  
It was a puzzle I never could solve. No matter what the gift it was fun
trying to figure it out.  

My grandparents with me and Jay

For those of you who know me and my family,  you might be wondering
"Where did all this come from? "  Doing this post has taken me through
a lot of memories, some good, some bad.  Years of negative seem to  blur
with time.  As a family we've had our share of rough patches.  It's easier
to list all the bad things and make them  our main focus,   forgetting that 
in a lifetime there will always have been good to balance that list.
Am I saying that I'm changing my mind about the past?  No.
I'm just trying to remember it better...

Me and my grandparents


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